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Preguntas frecuentes:
1.  ¿A qué edad se saca el permiso de conducir?
A los 15 años y 9 meses.
2. ¿Cuánto tiempo hay que esperar para sacar la licencia de conducir?
De 16 a 18 años son 9 meses. De 18 años si terminó la secundaria hasta los 24 años son 3 meses. Si tiene 25 años o más son 45 días. 
3.  ¿Cuántas horas de manejo se necesitan para pasar el examen de conducción del MVA?
60 horas. Si tiene más de 25 años y ya sabe manejar son 14 horas. 
4.  ¿Qué se necesita para tomar el programa de 36 horas en la escuela de manejo?
El permiso de conducir y por lo menos 20 horas de práctica. El programa de educación para el conductor es sólo para reforzar los conocimientos para poder aprobar el examen.

Frequent questions:
1. What is the minimal age to get the driving permit?
15 years and 9 months.
2. How long does it take to get the provisional license?
16 to 18 years it takes 9 months. 18 with a high school diploma to 24 years old will take 3 months. 25 years old and more will take 45 days.
3.  How many hours do I need to take the MVA driving skill test?
60 hours. If you have 25 years or more and you know how to drive will need 14 hours of practice.
4.  What is needed to take the driving ED program?
The permit and at least 20 hours of practice BTW. The driving ED program is just to reinforce the knowledge to pass the road test.

At AspenHillDriving, we believe that driving should be both safe and enjoyable. Our experienced instructors have been teaching people how to drive for many years, and we take pride in helping our students develop the skills and confidence they need to become safe and responsible drivers. Our team is made up of highly qualified and experienced driving instructors who are passionate about helping our students succeed. We offer a range of driving courses designed to meet the needs of learners at every level, from complete beginners to experienced drivers looking to refresh their skills.If you're looking to learn how to drive with confidence, AspenHillDriving is the perfect choice. Contact us today to learn more about our courses and how we can help you achieve your goals.

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